Trip to Moscow – not without my Norway Omega-3 Fish Oil

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Trip to Moscow

Model Lara Holtkamp spent a weekend in Russia’s fascinating capital, exploring the beauties of the city. Norway Omega travelled with her in order to guarantee her daily intake of super healthy DHA and EPA

Moscow – Day 1

Everybody seems to have an opinion about Russia’s capital, Moscow – no matter if they have never been there, or know this mega city quite well. For me, Moscow had been a blank spot on the map, and I was more than excited to visit for the first time in early summer of 2018. The reason of the trip was purely pleasure – even though I was lucky enough to do a photo shoot with an amazing Russian photographer, Vera Nesterova, while there. And yes, it was love at first sight : the Red Square, the Kremlin tour (a MUST!), lively Gorki Park, the amazingly beautiful and hectic Metro stations, GUM, the grand Bolshoi Theater, and so on and on…As an international model, I am used to communicating in English. This, however, is still a challenge in Moscow, as soon as you leave your hotel. Everything is still in Cyrillic writing and very few people speak good English. This makes communication quite challenging.

Lara at the Red Square

Moscow – foodwise

I always take very good care of my diet. As a model, this is a must for me. Also, because I am gluten intolerant. This was not easy for me in Moscow, because in restaurants, people wanted to provide great service, and were very eager to answer «Yes!» – but did they really understand exactly what I needed? Several times, I took French fries and other «safe» meals, even though they were not the healthy choice. But I did not want to take a risk of eating gluten, and having a reaction. However, I did not worry too much about it. First of all, the amazing experience of this fascinating city was worth the extra hassle, and second of all, I knew that it was only a three-day exception. Plus, I had my Norway Omega-3 fish oil capsules with me, which provide me with healthy unsaturated fatty acids EPA and DHA wherever I go. I am NOT saying that dietary supplements are an excuse to eat less healthy, but for me, they help me to stay well nourished and focused, even if sometimes it is hard to eat as balanced as at home.

Moscow – I will be back!

Fish oils are a great way of getting more essential fatty acids into your diet – that’s a given. But one key difference between low-cost fish oils and the premium variety lies in their bioavailability. Omega-3 of Norway not only offers Omega-3 oil in its authentic form, but our formula is comprised of over 90% triglycerides while most other companies average around 60%. Presented with a choice of the two, what would you prefer?

xoxo, Lara

This is the Noway Omega-3 bottle that I took to Moscow with me:

Norway Omega3 bottle at the Red Square

Norway Omega-3 bottle at the Red Square